Salt Lake City, Utah
The Rocky Mountain Celebration of Women in Computing, an ACM Celebration event, is the biennial event for the Rocky Mountain Region that encourages the career interests of women in computing will be held this year at the newly remodeled RL Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City.
The RMCWiC is one of several ACM Celebrations of Women in Computing held around the world sponsored by ACM and ACM-W. Click here for more information about the conference schedule and hotel information.
Conference Pricing
- - Regular Professional $250 ($275) - FULL
- - College/University Faculty Accompanying Students $120 ($150) - FULL
- - Unemployed $120 ($150) - FULL
- - College University Student - includes Thursday night housing $40 ($60) - FULL
- - High School Teacher Accompanying Students $25 ($40) - FULL
- - High School Student $10 ($15) - does not including housing - FULL
Registration Fee Includes:
Click here for housing information! Group rate expires September 1.
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