CISE Broader Impacts

The purpose of this web site is to disseminate guidance materials for NSF's Directorate for Computer & Information Science (CISE) research community on how to effectively integrate broader impact activities into research projects. The web site includes examples and materials on ways that computer scientists can have broader impact on their research, education, and wider communities.

Available Links

  • WHY: Why is broader impacts important? What categories of broader impact exist?
  • WHAT: What makes a great broader impact?
  • HOW: How to get started?
  • EXAMPLES: What examples exist for each of the suggested categories of broader impact?
  • RESOURCES: Are there additional resources?

NSF Grant

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation (under #CNS-1033413). Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.