Table of Contents
Applied Research
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- [APP-3] M. Rubin, T. Camp, A. van Herwijnen and J.
Schweizer, "Automatically Detecting Avalanche Events in Passive Seismic Data,"
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and
Applications (ICMLA), 8 pages, 2012.
- [APP-2] M. Rubin and T. Camp, "Monitoring Lift-Served
Backcountry Access Gates in Real Time: SkinTrack's First Season at Ski Loveland,
Colorado," Proceedings of the 2012 International Snow Science Workshop, 7 pages,
- [APP-1] M. Rubin, T. Camp, and A. van Herwijnen,
"Automatically Finding Avalanches in Geophone Data: A Pattern Recognition
Workflow," Proceedings of the 2012 International Snow Science Workshop, 4 pages,
Wireless Sensor Networks
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- [WSN-13] K. Stone and T. Camp, "CAIRN: Creating Anchors for
Localization in Realistic Networks," Proceedings of the 31st International
Performance Computing and Communications Conferences (IPCCC), 11 pages, 2012.
- [WSN-12] K. Stone and T. Camp, "A Survey of
Distance-Based Wireless Sensor Network Localization Techniques,"
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, vol. 8, no.
2, pp. 158-183, 2012.
- [WSN-11] K. Stone, C. Oden, B. Hoenes, and T. Camp,
"Hardware for Wireless Geophysical Monitoring," Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS) 8 pages,

- [WSN-10] K. Stone and T. Camp, "The Ins and Outs of
Distance-based WSN Localization Schemes," Proceedings of the 2011
International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN), 7 pages, 2011.
- [WSN-9] K. Stone, B. Hoenes, and T. Camp, Hardware for Continuous Wireless Geophysical Monitoring of Dams and Levees,
Proceedings of the 2nd Colorado Celebration of Women in Computing (CCWIC), 6 pages, 2010.
- [WSN-8] C. Metcalfe, T. Camp, and M. Colagrosso, TestbedProfiler: A Validation Tool for Wireless Sensor Network Testbed Deployment, Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2010.

- [WSN-7] K. Stone, D. Hakkarinen, and T. Camp, Listening to Everyone's Voice Enhances Learning (LEVEL), Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2010.

- [WSN-6] X. Yang and T. Camp, A-MAC: Efficient Medium Access for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the 28th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), 10 pages, 2009.

- [WSN-5] A. Marchiori and Q. Han, Using Circuit-Level Power Measurements in Household Energy Management Systems, The First ACM Workshop On Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings (BuildSys) held in conjunction with ACM SenSys, 2009. Best Paper Award.

- [WSN-4] A. Marchiori and Q. Han, A Two-Stage Bootloader to Support Multi-Application Deployment and Switching in Wireless Sensor Networks, The 7th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC '09), 2009.

- [WSN-3] A. Marchiori and Q. Han, A Foundation for Interoperable Sensor Networks with Internet Bridging, Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors (HotEmNets), Charlottesville, Virginia, 2008
- [WSN-2] K. Hellman and M. Colagrosso, Investigating a Wireless Sensor Network Optimal Lifetime Solution for Linear Topologies, Journal of Interconnection Networks, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 91-99, 2006.
- [WSN-1] K. Hellman and M. Colagrosso, Increasing Sensor Network Lifetime by Identifying and Leveraging Nodes with Excess Energy in Heterogeneous Networks, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks (ISPAN), pp. 542-546, 2005.

Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
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- [AH-42] A. Munjal, T. Camp, and N. Aschenbruck, "Changing
Trends in Modeling Mobility," Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, to
appear 2013.
- [AH-41] A. Munjal, T. Mota, and T. Camp, "Exploring Social
Interactions via Multi-Modal Learning," Proceedings of the Mobile Data Challenge
Workshop by Nokia (held at PerCom), 6 pages, 2012.
- [AH-40] S. Kurkowski, W. Navidi, T. Camp, and J. Norman, Constructing Rigorous MANET Simulation Scenarios, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN), vol. 14, no.3-4,
pp.155-179, 2012.

- [AH-39] A. Munjal, T. Camp, and W. Navidi "SMOOTH: A
Simple Way To Model Human Walks," Proceedings of the 14th ACM International
Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile
Systems (MSWiM) 10 pages, 2011.

- [AH-38] N. Aschenbruck, A. Munjal, and T. Camp, Trace-Based Mobility Modeling for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks,
Computer Communications, 34(6), pp. 704-714, May 2011.

- [AH-37] A. Munjal, T. Camp, and W. Navidi, SMOOTH: A Simple Way To Model Human Walks,
Mobile Computing and Communications Review, October 2010.

- [AH-36] A. Munjal, T. Camp, and W. Navidi, Constructing Rigorous MANET Simulation Scenarios with Realistic Mobility, Proceedings of the European Wireless 2010 (EW), 8 pages, 2010.

- [AH-35] C. Walsh, A. Doci, and T. Camp, A Call to Arms: It's Time for REAL Mobility Models, ACM's Mobile Computing and Communications Review, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 34-36, 2008.

- [AH-34] S. Kurkowski, W. Navidi, and T. Camp, Constructing MANET Simulation Scenarios That Meet Standards, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), pp. 1-9, 2007.

- [AH-33] S. Kurkowski, W. Navidi, and T. Camp, Discovering Variables that Affect MANET Protocol Performance, Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), pp. 1237-1242, 2007.

- [AH-32] S. Kurkowski, T. Camp, and W. Navidi, Two Standards for Rigorous MANET Routing Protocol Evaluation, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems, pp. 256-266, 2006.

- [AH-31] J. Powell and T. Camp, Improving Location Services with Prediction, Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN), pp. 153-159, 2006.

- [AH-30] S. Kurkowski, T. Camp, and M. Colagrosso, MANET Simulation Studies: The Incredibles, ACM's Mobile Computing and Communications Review, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 50-61, October 2005.

- [AH-29] M. Colagrosso, A Classification Approach to Broadcasting in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network, Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), pp. 1112-1117, 2005.

- [AH-28] N. Bauer, M. Colagrosso, and T. Camp, Efficient Implementations of All-to-All Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 311-342, September 2005.

- [AH-27] J. Vashishtha, T. Camp, and A. Sinha, A Smart Utilization MAC (SU-MAC) Protocol with Power Control for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Proceedings of the Performance, Quality of Service, and Control of Next-Generation Communication and Sensor Networks, vol. 6011, 10 pages, 2005.

- [AH-26] S. Kurkowski, T. Camp, N. Mushell, and M. Colagrosso, A Visualization and Analysis Tool for NS-2 Wireless Simulations: iNSpect, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), pp. 503-506, 2005.

- [AH-25] N. Bauer, M. Colagrosso, and T. Camp, An Agile Approach to Distributed Information Dissemination in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), pp. 131-141, 2005. See TR-8 for an early version of this paper.

- [AH-24] T. Camp, Location Information Services in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Chapter 14 in the Handbook of Algorithms for Mobile and Wireless Networking and Computing, pp. 317-339, 2005. See TR-7 for an early version of this paper.

- [AH-23] X. Luo, T. Camp, and W. Navidi, Predictive Methods for Location Services in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Workshop on Algorithms for Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WMAN), pp. 246-252, 2005.

- [AH-22] P. Yao, E. Krohne, and T. Camp, Performance Comparison of Geocast Routing Protocols for a MANET, Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N), pp. 213-220, 2004. See TR-9 for an early version of this paper.

- [AH-21] M. Colagrosso, N. Enochs, and T. Camp, Improvements to Location-Aided Routing through Directional Count Restrictions, Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN), pp. 924-929, 2004.

- [AH-20] P. Yao, E. Krohne, and T. Camp, Evaluation of Geocasting Protocols for a Mobile Ad Hoc Network, Proceedings of the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC), 2004.
- [AH-19] B. Williams, D. Mehta, T. Camp and W. Navidi, Predictive Models to Rebroadcast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 295-303, 2004. See TR-2 for an early version of this paper.

- [AH-18] W. Navidi, T. Camp, and N. Bauer, Improving the Accuracy of Random Waypoint Simulations Through Steady-State Initialization, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (MS '04), pp. 319-326, March 2004. See TR-5 for an early version of this paper.

- [AH-17] X. Jiang and T. Camp, An Information Dissemination Protocol for an Ad Hoc Network, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC '04), pp. 337-345, 2004. See TR-3 for an early version of this paper.

- [AH-16] J. Boleng and T. Camp, Adaptive Location Aided Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC '04), pp. 423-432, 2004. See TR-6 for an early version of this paper.

- [AH-15] W. Navidi and T. Camp, Stationary Distributions for the Random Waypoint Mobility Model, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 99-108, January-March 2004. See TR-1 for an early version of this paper.

- [AH-14] T. Camp and Y. Liu, An Adaptive Mesh-Based Protocol for Geocast Routing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC): Special Issue on Routing in Mobile and Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 196--213, February 2003.

- [AH-13] T. Camp, J. Boleng, and V. Davies, A Survey of Mobility Models for Ad Hoc Network Research, Wireless Communication & Mobile Computing (WCMC), Special issue on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking: Research, Trends and Applications, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 483-502, 2002

- [AH-12] J. Boleng, W. Navidi, and T. Camp, Metrics to Enable Adaptive Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN '02), pp.293-298, 2002.
- [AH-11] J. Boleng, Efficient Network Layer Addressing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proceeding of International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN '02), pp. 271-277, 2002.

- [AH-10] B. Williams and T. Camp, Comparison of Broadcasting Techniques for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC '02), pp.194-205, 2002.

- [AH-9] X. Jiang and T. Camp, A Review of Geocasting Protocols for a Mobile Ad Hoc Network, Proceedings of the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC '02), 2002.

- [AH-8] N. Guba and T. Camp, Recent Work on GLS: A Location Service for an Ad Hoc Network, Proceedings of the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC '02), 2002.

- [AH-7] T. Camp, J. Boleng, and L. Wilcox, Location Information Services in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC '02), pp.3318-3324, 2002.

- [AH-6] T. Camp, J. Boleng, B. Williams, L. Wilcox, and W. Navidi, Performance Comparison of Two Location Based Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE 21st Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM '02), pp.1678-1687, 2002.

- [AH-5] J. Boleng, T. Camp, and V. Tolety, Mesh-Based Geocast Routing Protocols in an Ad Hoc Network, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium on Issues in Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing (IPDPS '01), pp. 184-193, April 2001.

- [AH-4] J. Boleng, Normalizing Mobility Characteristics and Enabling Adaptive Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Workshop (LANMAN '01), pp.9-12, March 2001.
- [AH-3] B. Williams, J. Boleng, and T. Camp, Geocast Communications in an Ad Hoc Network, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Workshop (LANMAN '01), pp. 94-97, March 2001.
- [AH-2] J. Boleng, B. Williams, T. Camp, L. Wilcox, and W. Navidi, Performance of Location-Based Routing Protocols for an Ad Hoc Network, Proceedings of the 11th Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Workshop (LANMAN '01), pp.98-101, March 2001.
- [AH-1] J. Boleng, Efficient Network Layer Addressing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Technical Report MCS--00-09, The Colorado School of Mines, 2000.

Other Networking
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- [ON-12] C. Walsh, D. Hakkarinen, and T. Camp, "Distributed
Decode and Forward Beamforming," Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on
Local Computer Networks (LCN), 9 pages, 2012.
- [ON-11] X. Yang, T.Camp. H. Yang, and A. Petropulu, Extending Network Lifetime for ALLIANCES, Computer Communications, vol. 32, pp. 1837-1851, 2009.

- [ON-10] X. Yang and T. Camp, An Energy-Aware Relay Selection Scheme for ALLIANCES, Proceedings of the IEEE PerCom International Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Networking, 7 pages, 2009.

- [ON-9] H. Yang, A. Petropulu, X. Yang, and T. Camp, A Novel Location Relay Selection Scheme for ALLIANCES, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 57(2):1272-1284, 2008.

- [ON-8] X. Yang, E. Krohne, and T. Camp, Performance Evaluation of ALLIANCES, Proceedings of the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, 6 pages, 2007.
- [ON-7] W. Navidi and T. Camp, Predicting Node Location in a PCS Network, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC), pp. 165-170, 2004.

- [ON-6] T. Camp, J. Lusth, J. Matocha, and C. Perkins, Reduced Cell Switching in a Mobile Computing Environment, Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom '00), pp. 143 - 154, 2000.

- [ON-5] A. Kumar and T. Camp. A New Matching Algorithm for Managing Location Information in Mobile Computing, 19th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC '00), pp. 231-239, Feb. 2000.

- [ON-4] R. Hutchins, T. Camp, and P. Enslow, A Novel Approach to Mobility Management, ACM Computer Communications Review (CCR), vol. 29, no. 1, pp.86-96, 1999.

- [ON-3] Y. Sun, T. Camp, and I. Terekhov, Multicast Communication for Mobile Nodes Based on an Efficient Location Management Technique, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Group Communication, Fukushima, Japan, pp. 10-16, Sept. 1999.

- [ON-2] I. Terekhov and T. Camp, An Efficient Location Management Technique for Mobile Computing, Technical Report MCS--99-05, The Colorado School of Mines, 1999.

- [ON-1] T. Camp, J. Lusth, and J. Matocha, Locating Group Members in a Mobile Environment, Information Sciences, vol. 100, pp. 51-62, 1997.

Distributed Computing Papers
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- [DC-8] D. Hakkarinen, T. Camp, Z. Chen, and A. Haas,
"Reduced Data Communication for Parallel CMA-ES for REACTS," Proceedings of the
20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and
Network-Based Processing (PDP), 5 pages, 2012.

- [DC-7] T. Camp and P. Kearns, Fast Batched Data Transfer with Flush Channels: A Performance Analysis, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 780-795, June 2006.

- [DC-6] S. Burdette, T. Camp, and B. Bynum, Distributed BACI: A Toolkit for Developing Distributed Algorithms, Concurrency: Practice and Experience, vol. 12, pp.35-52, 2000.
- [DC-5] I. Terekhov and T. Camp, Time Efficient Deadlock Resolution Algorithms, Information Processing Letters (IPL), vol. 69, pp. 149-154, 1999.

- [DC-4] J. Matocha and T. Camp, A Taxonomy of Distributed Termination Detection Algorithms, The Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 43, no. 3, pp 207-221, 1998.

- [DC-3] S. Tomic and T. Camp, I Want It All and I Want It Now! Data Retrieval in a Distributed Multimedia Database System, The 35th ACM Annual Southeast Conference, pp. 251-256, April 1997.
- [DC-2] T. Camp, P. Kearns, and M. Ahuja, Proof Rules for Flush Channels, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), vol. SE-19, no. 4, pp. 366-378, April 1993.

- [DC-1] P. Kearns, T. Camp, and M. Ahuja, An Implementation of Flush Channels Based on a Verification Methodology, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS '92), pp. 336-343, 1992.

Toilers Technical Reports
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- [TR-17] A. Doci and T. Camp, Formal Methodologies for Determining Cross-Layer Interactions in Wireless Communications, Technical Report: MCS 07-01, Colorado School of Mines, April 2007.
- [TR-16] E. Krohne and T. Camp, Progress Routing: A Reliable, Beacon-Less Location-Aware Routing Algorithm, Technical Report: MCS 06-05, Colorado School of Mines, June 2006.
- [TR-15] S. Kurkowski, W. Navidi, and T. Camp, Discovering Variables that Affect MANET Protocol Performance, Technical Report MCS 06-04, Colorado School of Mines, June 2006.

- [TR-14] S. Kurkowski, W. Navidi and T. Camp, Scenario Standards for Rigorous MANET Routing Protocol Evaluation, Technical Report MCS 06-03, Colorado School of Mines, May 2006.

- [TR-13] S. Kurkowski, T. Camp, and W. Navidi, Minimal Standards for Rigorous MANET Routing Protocol Evaluation, Technical Report MCS 06-02, Colorado School of Mines, March 2006.

- [TR-12] S. Kurkowski, T. Camp, and M. Colagrosso, A Visualization and Analysis Tool for Wireless Simulations: iNSpect, Technical Report MCS 06-01, Colorado School of Mines, January 2006.

- [TR-11] S. Kurkowski, T. Camp, and M. Colagrosso, MANET Simulation Studies: The Current State and New Simulation Tools, Technical Report MCS-05-02, The Colorado School of Mines, February 2005.

- [TR-10] S. Kurkowski, T. Camp, N. Mushell, and M. Colagrosso, A Visualization and Animation Tool for NS-2 Wireless Simulations: iNSpect, Technical Report MCS-04-03, The Colorado School of Mines, June 2004.

- [TR-9] P. Yao, T. Camp, and E. Krohne, Performance Comparison of Geocast Routing Protocols for a MANET, Technical Report MCS-04-02, The Colorado School of Mines, May 2004.

- [TR-8] N. Bauer, M. Colagrosso, and T. Camp, An Efficient Approach to Distributed Information Dissemination in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Technical Report MCS-04-01, The Colorado School of Mines, February 2004.

- [TR-7] T. Camp, Location Information Services in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Technical Report MCS-03-15, The Colorado School of Mines, October 2003.

- [TR-6] J. Boleng and T. Camp, Adaptive Location Aided Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing, Technical Report MCS-03-09, The Colorado School of Mines, June 2003.

- [TR-5] W. Navidi, T. Camp, and N. Bauer, Improving the Accuracy of Random Waypoint Simulations Through Steady-State Initialization, Technical Report MCS-03-08, The Colorado School of Mines, June 2003.

- [TR-4] W. Navidi and T. Camp, Adaptive Predictive Distance-Based Mobility Management for PCS Networks, Technical Report MCS-03-07, The Colorado School of Mines, May 2003.

- [TR-3] X. Jiang and T. Camp, An Efficient Location Server for an Ad Hoc Network, Technical Report MCS-03-06, The Colorado School of Mines, May 2003.

- [TR-2] B. Williams, D. Mehta, T. Camp and W. Navidi, Predictive Modeling of Network Wide Broadcasting, Technical Report MCS-03-05, The Colorado School of Mines, April 2003.

- [TR-1] W. Navidi and T. Camp, Stationary Distributions for the Random Waypoint Mobility Model, Technical Report MCS-03-04, The Colorado School of Mines, April 2003.

Theses and Dissertations
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- [TD-21] Douglas Hakkarinen, Parallelization and Fault Tolerance Supporting Near-Real-Time Data Processing for Bioremediation, Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado School
of Mines, 2013.
- [TD-20] Aarti Munjal, Improving the Credibility of
Simulation-Based Research in Mobile Networks, Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado School
of Mines, 2012.

- [TD-19] Chris Walsh, Distributed Protocols in a
Cooperative Beamforming System, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines,

- [TD-18] Xinhua Yang, Extensions to Alliances: Collision Resolution MAC Protocols for Wireless Networks, Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2010.

- [TD-17] Edward Krohne, Progress Routing: Removing Beacon Packets in Geographic Routing Protocols, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2008.

- [TD-16] Chad Metcalf, Tossim Live: Towards a Testbed in a Thread, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2007.

- [TD-15] Stuart Kurkowski, Credible Mobile Ad Hoc Network Simulation-Based Studies, Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2006.

- [TD-14] Greg Gerou, An Evaluation of Multiple Path Routing and its Impact on Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2005.

- [TD-13] Nick Bauer, An Efficient Approach to Distributed Information Dissemination in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2004.

- [TD-12] Xinwei Luo, Predictive Methods for Location Services in Mobile Ad Hoc Netoworks, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2004.

- [TD-11] Fuat Bilgin, Development of New Broadcast Protocals in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network Based on Machine Learning, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2004.

- [TD-10] Jeff Boleng, Exploiting Location Information and Enabling Adaptive Mobile Ad Hoc Network Protocols, Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2002.

- [TD-9] Brad Williams, Network Wide Broadcasting Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2002. [ps.gz]

- [TD-8] Yu (Yolanda) Liu, A Hybrid Forwarding Approach for the Mesh-Based Geocast Routing Protocol in an Ad Hoc Network, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2001.

- [TD-7] Vanessa Davies, Evaluating Mobility Models Within An Ad Hoc Network, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2000.

- [TD-6] Viswanath Tolety, Load Reduction in Ad Hoc Networks Using Mobile Servers, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 1999.

- [TD-5] Yi Sun, Multicast Communication for Mobile Computing, M.S. Thesis, The University of Alabama, 1999.
- [TD-4] Jeffrey Matocha, Facing the Challenges of Mobile Computing in a Wireless Network, Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Alabama, 1998.
- [TD-3] Igor Terekhov, An Efficient Location Management Technique, M.S. Thesis, The University of Alabama, 1998.
- [TD-2] Uma Boddeti, A Location Management Technique for Mobile Communication Systems, M.S. Thesis, The University of Alabama, 1997.
- [TD-1] Steven Burdette, Distributed Ben-Ari Concurrent Interpreter: A Toolkit for Distributed System Algorithm Implementation, M.S. Thesis, The University of Alabama, 1997.